There are a lot of things that we follow or used to follow but these have just vanished in these modern times...but I like to get answers to why those were followed because I honestly believe that there IS a reason behind our everyday practices.
Read this on an article by Sri Sri Ravishankar (AOL Founder) and found this to be very interesting!
Question: Why are there 7 days in a week and 12 months in a year throughout the globe?
Sri Sri Ravishankar: It started in the Vedic time in India. The zero, seven days, and twelve months were first given here in India. Then Egypt copied it from India and from there it went all over the world.
In India, there are seven major planets. Though we name nine planets, two of them are shadow planets of the moon that don't exist. So for each planet one day was given. For the shadow planets they allotted one and half hours of time every day instead of allotting them one whole day, so it fit very well with the cosmic calendar. (That is how we have Rahu Kaala and Gulik Kaala.)
They formed the connection between the microcosm and the macrocosm. And they said the Earth completes one circle around the Sun in twelve months and then they divided it. This was done some thirty to forty thousand years ago, or may be even more. Nobody knows.
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