Thursday, September 9, 2010

Vegetarians beware of juices!!

Got this from a forwarded email! Please read and avoid these products!!! Really hurts to think that even fruit juices would have animal products.

Fruit Juice with animal products?

Cochineal is the insect that is used to derive color.

Source - Wikipedia, "there are two principal forms of cochineal dye: cochineal extract is a coloring made from the raw dried and pulverized bodies of insects, and carmine is a more purified coloring made from the cochineal. To prepare carmine, the powdered insect bodies are boiled in ammonia or a sodium carbonate solution, the insoluble matter is removed by filtering, and alum is added to the clear salt solution of carminic acid to precipitate the red aluminum salt”.

The following products do contain Cochineal - Jugos Del Valle Strawberry Juice Nectar, Minute Maid Juices To Go Ruby Red Grapefruit Drink, Strawberry Banana Juice Nectar Jugos Del Valle

Minute maid Consumer products Division also acknowledges that it is a common industry practice for grape juice clarification involving animal by-products. This practice is becoming increasingly less common as ultra-filtration systems are gradually replacing the gelatin used in this process. However, you may be interested to know that because their juices are certified kosher, the gelatin used to clarify the juice is made from fish.

However, "Welch" does not use animal products in their grape juice. Only their Fruit Snacks use pork gelatin.

Tropicana Healthy Heart Orange Juice:
Healthy Heart is the only Tropicana product containing fish because the fish based Omega-3s EPA/DHA are the only 2 approved to use the (FDA) qualified heart health claim.

Make these fruit juices at your home instead!! I also learned that Coke/Pepsi contain animal products apart from caffeine and being carbonated drinks. I will post info on that as well.

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